Monday, July 07, 2003

Yet Again?

Meh. Posting on Kleinforums is fun if you're in the mood. Especially because I'm a religious debate whore- as you might assume, this guy named Meh called me a hypocrite and said I couldn't disprove the existence of God.

Yeah, you're right, Meh. All atheists are hypocrites. If you go to that website, or whatever the URL is, it says basically that atheists are bent on ridding the world of religion. I'm not necessarily on some crusade against worshippers. But I blame religion for a LOT of the strife in the world. Some good things come out of religion. Some nice art and music. But a lot more really bad things do too. Mass oppression and jihads. Heh. Even some teenager lovers being pulled apart by their conservative parents.

I call myself agnostic, just because it's a bit of a more neutral term. I don't really care what I'm called. Heathen is fine too. I believe strongly that religion is unnecessary. And sure, I can't disprove the existence of God, but I've tried to believe in the fellow myself, and I just didn't get it. I base my claim that there is no God on the simple farfetchedness of the whole concept, and the sheer weirdness of the worshipping people I see around me. It's cult-like!

Sure, I like to rant and rave about it too. What hardheaded male doesn't? I sometimes can't help writing out stuff like I did on that previous post. Most people that debate religion sink back into that idiotic, pseudo-intellectual "I know you're fucking wrong" crowd. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I'm not in it. But I meant every sentence I said in my previous post, and I stand by it.

What you said about believing in "A" God instead of "the" God, I agree with. I don't think religion needs to be about waking up early to waste a sunday going to some building to engage in prayer and nice, wholesome, family activities. I guess you can tell I'm somewhat sickened by the idea, but I'll get to my point. Organized religion is crap. When you stand back and look at it, it looks like a bunch of little countries' governments, each with their own style of propaganda. You're right- it just makes for discrimination, and it contradicts itself in too many ways to be reasonable. If God made the earth and is holy in everything, then why can't you just step outside into his creation and pray to the ground? Why spend millions of dollars making this extravagant churches if God is already magnificent? It's useless.

I think the closest anyone has ever come to sensible worship has been the pagans- they at least worshipped the Earth, outside, in their holy spirit's creation rather than in some big brick box of God.

I guess what I mean to say by all this, and in response to Meh's post is- modern society shouldn't need religion to govern it. I think we'll do just fine living our lives in the present, and not wasting good sleep Sunday morning just so we won't burn forever. Humans are no longer cavemen that need to look up at the sun and moon and worship it to relieve themselves of their loneliness and confusion. God is the Easter bunny for adults.

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