Wednesday, July 23, 2003

My Sleep Hurts

Ow. I woke up at 8:30 today. Eight-fucking-thirty. And I went to bed four hours before that. I feel very strange. A bit sick to my stomach, like I should eat something, but also like I shouldn't. I'm thinking peristalsis will tire me out too much. I dunno.

But, baggy eyes, blue hair and all, it was very worth it to wake up so early. I missed Larkin furiously last night, as my previous post illustrates, and I was a restless wraith, floating around my house until I finally passed out on my bed and stained my pillow a deep shade of violet. Larkin and I went out to Whataburger to see Jeremy and (try to) eat breakfast. Normally I would eat one of those egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches these fast food places have ravenously enough, but I feel quite dizzy today. There's a swollen lymph node in the left side of my jaw- it's all lumpy and hurts when I stretch my neck. I'm thinking I should really do some yoga. I started doing it a week or two ago, but got out of it due to laziness, lack of time, and some soreness that came from working out. I need to work out again, too. So much on the agenda..

And Larkin leaves tomorrow. For six days or so. I may die from lack of being touched. I dunno. I'm better at tolerating Larkin's trips to distant colleges now. I'll probably just hang out at Rob or Sterling's house a lot, and go hang out with a group of people. I'd like to see Julia. She seems to have been caged up for quite some time, and I think her, Rob, Todd and I are due for a trip to Starbucks.

But I'll miss her still. Nothing comforts me more than her company these days, and I've gotten so very addicted to it, that I drop off from a high when I come home and play silly computer games, and get somewhat depressed. I long to spend as much time with her as humanly possible. Especially before school starts. I have to work hard this year. I admire Larkin in all her progress regarding her future- I want to be like her in that aspect.

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