Wednesday, July 09, 2003



My wisdom teeth are coming in. Jagged sons of bitches. Ever so slowly, molecule by molecule, they increase in size, ripping upwards through my existing gums. I spit blood. Aspirin is my deliverance from this world of hurt, as I wince uncontrollably, trying to chew my carrot, but I've taken so many today. If I take more before waiting another two hours or so, it goes against the divine law of the instructions on the bottle, and then I experience deadly aspirin overdose side effects. Oh, for the love of Jesu, and all that is FROSTED WITH CHOCOLATE! IT HURTS! Fuck you, Dr.Hickey. Fuck you for not telling me these damn things were coming in. You took X-rays, for Christ's sake! How could you not figure it out? You bastard! You with your incompetent, stupid receptionist and your damn, bloody annoying nurse who always wants to ask me how my fucking life is going, like she's my mother fucking godmother! OW! You just want my money! My money and my dental health! I'll strangle you with dental floss!


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