Saturday, July 26, 2003

So yeah, I'm still sick. I feel pretty much like distilled shit right now. But I dunno. It's not the actual sickness that gets to me so much as the fact that I can't do anything. Can't go and mow lawns with Mr.Morris today, so I won't make any money, can't go over to Rob's, can't go over to Callie Blankenship's to fix her computer! And there's still no Larkin. Isn't it weird how, if you focus enough, you can feel someone's touch, but not the warmth associated with it? Ah hell, I don't need anymore warmth right now. I'm in a t-shirt and shorts and I'm dying of heat stroke. But I could use the touch. Stupid fever... Stupid sickness... Stupid mother that, yesterday, said we didn't need to go to the doctor. So we couldn't get me in yesterday. Well, no shit! How about to-fucking-day? Nope, she doesn't take Larkin's advice to me to go to the doctor's. And now, I've got every single symptom Larkin described to me, and she said I should really get antibiotics for this. Ugh.

I need a hug :(

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