Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Is There Such a Thing as Love?

More Kleinforums crap. The above title was the question the guy asked.

[quote]Posted by: Frostie67 Posted on: July 08, 2003, 11:58:51 PM
Actually, most teenagers mistake infactuation for love. Most people in general know the difference between lust and everything else.

I agree. I dun really know why this is on the religion forum. But I'll answer the question anyhow.

Love exists. But it needs a lot more than simple infatuation to last, and be "true", as most people say. Unfortunately, such remarkable bonds between lovers are rare in high school. Sadly, when you think about it, high school is usually sort of a practice for when you get into more lasting, committed relationships.

But I'm not saying "true" love doesn't exist in high school. I said it takes more than physical lust. Sexual attraction is just a candle in a hurricane if there are no emotional feelings to back it up. Love's about getting along with someone. If you're the deepest, most intellectual, and philosophical genius in the school, and you hook up with a dumb, ditzy supermodel on a whim, you won't be happy for long. Sure, she'll appeal to your silly, immature side, but if you can't have a long conversation, then you can't have more than a month with her either.

The only way to describe love is with analogies like that. If you ask me, "true" love is when your lover is your best friend.

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