Friday, July 04, 2003

I Liek Shopping

Man, some kickass day. As planned, Larkin, Rob and I ventured to the mall for clothes shopping. That's right- we busied ourselves restoring rob's tired old wardrobe, one that mainly consisted of gray t-shirts and jeans. Now he sports two new outfits PLUS accessories: a fishnet undershirt to go with either a black, punktacular workshirt (much like the ones I usually wear) laced with decorative zippers, or a nice, simple, SOAD t-shirt. To further help his new tendency to absorb all the light in a room, we went to target and got him two pairs of dark blue navy carpenter pants, and a snazzy new black leather belt, complete with lots of little metal holes. Oh, and he's got one of those necklaces with the big metal beads. I must say- it beats the shit out of Tommy Hilfiger t-shirts. I commend thee.

And I got me a new rayon black work shirt.

Now, we should do this to Todd.

Anyhow, Larkin used her powers for awesome to buy us coffee at the mall, and sushi after our shopping trips, but not before our hike in the park. I mean, sushi! I love sushi! Even Rob likes sushi! Larkin's so kind to us. All that extra money she gets, she uses on two bums like Rob and I! I love, LOVE that girl!

So, to end the night, we watched a depressing film about poor Irish kids at my house. Good movie. Better with her, even.

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