Tuesday, July 15, 2003

I'm Blue

Hello, everyone. My hair is blue. How, and why is my hair blue, you ask? Trip into a tub of drain-o, did I? Deprive myself of several necessary vitamins? Contract a deadly, genetically inherited Smurf syndrome? No! Far more perilous than all those combined. Larkin took the day off to hang out with me.

And saintly she is! Just saintly, with all the things she does for me! My dad became pissed at me this morning for not waking up early to go down to the Marble Slab Creamery to turn in my job application. What can I say? I'm nocturnal. I went to bed when he woke up. Larkin, suffering both heat and 1960 traffic, she helped me immensely by teaching me how to properly fill out a job application. As if that weren't enough to help me out, she then took me to Kroger to use a phone, and upon learning the location of the Marble Slab, took me there to turn in my perfectly completed application. A very hoarse and laringitis-stricken store manager Heather took my application, assuring me that Tonya owned the store (I had earlier been instructed to rendevous with Tonya). A success. I do hope I get the job. I simply must make some cash and treat Larkin to something for once.

And so, sweating in the Houston sun, Larkin carted me back to her house and then mine, picking up a few bottles of blue hair dye first. I was at least able to feed her my dad's cooking to pay her back for all this niceness. His homemade bread is good. After dinner, we ran upstairs, lathered my long blonde hair in this potent shit she brought, rinsed, and voila- my head is now, like hers, a vacuum for all visible light. I fucking love it. It's so dark it's almost brown, but sort of silvery, and when in bright light, the blue comes out. Thank you, love!

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