Monday, July 07, 2003

Arg, I Bitch on Kleinforums Again

Ack, bible quotes.

I'm just going to forget being nice to you guys here and say, flat out- when you die, you don't go to some magical place in the clouds to experience some eternal form of bliss. Who the hell thought up the whole heaven deal? If such a place exists, how the hell could anyone, any human even remotely conceive of such bodiless contentment? What the fuck? Heaven is an incentive. It's an incentive to be good little humans. Some brilliant fuck, long ago, invented God to keep us in line. Sure, it's a nice concept, but when holy wars start breaking out, those little faults in the system begin to show.

Anyway, there's no hell either. Bit of an anti-incentive, if you will. Somehow, the whole 'thou shalt not kill' thing didn't apply to those holy wars, and people evidently didn't think they were going to their place of eternal, fiery red hot stuff. Who thought up [i]that[/i]? Some guys must've just been sittin around a campfire, thinking up the most painful ways to die, while taking a break from creating religion, and they thought up this realm of pain. It's just another thing that makes us afraid. If you die and have no body, how the hell can you feel heat anyway?

To conclude my little rant- when you die, you perish. You don't go to heaven for being nice, you don't burn forever for being evil. Your heart stops, your best friends put you in a box, and they lower you six feet into the Earth's crust. Worms crawl in your body cavities and slowly decompose you.


There is no invisible, all-powerful, infinitely benevolent divine father figure watching over us.

And, in response to whoever the hell said Jesus is perfect- you're wrong. Like his shit don't stink. Like he didn't shit at all. Surely Jesus once said to the apostles, "Guys, start prayin without me. I gotta go use the chamber pot."

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