Friday, July 25, 2003

Larkin left this morning. I half expected a white flaming van to pull into my driveway at six, but instead, 'twas Mary, complete with expensive leather upholstery car and incredibly osmotic perfume. Man, that perfume is potent! It's really cool how sinus-clearingly fragrant it is. She'll lean over to say something to me, and it'll all sweep from her hair to my sinuses. You could smell her in a crowd of 500. It kinda brings back memories of doing stuff with her I guess, since she's always worn it.

So movie night was fun. The old Dune movie, and the beginning of some really terribly cheesy Kurt Russel kung fu movie. Does he have a mullet in every fucking one of his films? And there was some Halo, which I guess was kinda fun. It beats Kurt Russel. But I really don't like console FPS games. Not necessarily because of shitty graphics, or retarded, weird-looking guns, or unrealism, or even bad gameplay, but for the fact that the little joystick on the gorilla-size Microsoft controller is such a bitch to use! You know, it might be nice when Halo comes out for the PC. It's kind of a Tribesey game. Not only that, migration from console to the gracefully mouse compatible PC will bring a new concept to the game- AIMING.

So not a bad day overall. I decided to go with Mary rather than Rob because I haven't seen her in awhile, and there were gummy bears at Kevin Lai's house. The only thing missing was someone to cuddle with in that giant blue chair I sat in the whole time. I climbed on it in restlessness. Ah well, just a few days and she'll return... I have to get out and do something tomorrow, too.

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