Sunday, October 13, 2002

Well, I am returned from the Mormon LAN party. Always kinda fun, as long as you can suffer all the little kids running around, and the diet coke. Right now, I'm talking to this kickass guy on EQ about every anime I've ever seen, it seems he's always one step ahead of me. It's so very nice to actually find someone that shares a few interests every once in awhile.

Yesterday at the homecoming game wasn't that bad. We sang, and I left, simple as that. Palisin was being a retard as usual, and bugging this girl Julia. So very, very stupid. I have nothing more to say, other than the fact that he should not live to see old age.

I estimate homecoming is ending around now. I'm sure it was loads of fun. Yeah. At least now, with this LAN party, I'll have an excuse as to why I didn't go.

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