Monday, September 09, 2002

Allright, so three posts in a day is pretty bad, you can probably tell the amount of time I have on my hands. However, I thought I'd share a bit of philosophy with you, after my quest into a Christian MSN chatroom, and back.
So, it's 7:00, I'm tired, and I decide to go hang out on this chatroom. What a better thing to do when you're bored, and after all, the gothic chatrooms always talk about vampires, corpses, dead people, etc., the MSN hosted rooms have too much tyrannical control, and the crappy pool party rooms always have a bunch of people cybering. Shameless as hell. Anyway, I get there, and it seems this huge battle of the philosophes is already happening. This atheist chick battling it out with this religious fanatic, which is fun to watch, but I almost always end up getting involved. First thing I notice is that the atheist is really making every atheist on the face of the planet look bad, by USING ALL CAPS and being really bigoted. Anyway, I get into this huge discussion with these people about theology, religion, all that. Eventually, I just state my opinion on religion and life, and leave. I thought I'd come here and compile it, in case I ever need to use it again.
I believe that the human race created its own god, rather than be created by one. One of the most basic human instincts is self-preservation, which even today, can lead to after a person's death. Think of it this way; man creates god to rid himself of his loneliness in the universe, and to give himself comfort that he won't just rot in a hole when he dies, that he will either experience terrible pain for eternity, or be immersed in bliss as a reward for good actions. Eventually, this form of self-preservation forms into a cult almost, or a religion, turning into a form of mass delusion hundreds, thousands of years after being created. Religion gives mankind a sense of purpose. It is nothing more than a loose, faith based, illogical theory to answer the simple questions; why are we here? What force created us? And what will happen to us after we die? What's convenient for the religious people is that no solid explanation is needed for why a god exists, why he will save us all, how he existed in the first place, and why the bible isn't some holy writ created by a schizophreniac in the first century.
This brings me to my little debate with the fanatics over on MSN. Talks like this are always, always filled with statements like, "faith is my reason", or "only god can tell us that". What's more, the discussions always end with things like, "well, you'll just burn in hell anyway, so it's no use arguing". It's like these people don't have the intelligence to stand behind a strong argument, their minds filled with all this knowledge that they received in their early childhood, propaganda to the masses of youth. It's perfect, people even make money off it. Look at the Mormons, they're required to give like, what, 10% of their paycheck to the church? Think of those priests just sitting in their gold-lined velvet chairs on those religious TV shows, while some crusty old lady plays hymns on an expensive piano. I'm done for tonight.. Maybe I'll post tomorrow morning, and get in the habit of updating this often.

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