Sunday, February 27, 2005


Whoa. Emily and I went to the show at Javajazz last night. It was incredible. The sheer brilliance of Bojones made my pointless but xhardcorex (underscore underscore) existence briefly worthwhile. Their sticker is on my boots.

But yeah, to be less transcendentalist or whatever, it kicked ass. We actually saw good bands. Towards the end of the night the groups became more heavy metalish but they weren't near as, um, xhardcorexunderscoreunderscore as Fyend (learn to spell, dipshits). Bojones was the coolest amateur band I have ever witnessed. The keyboardist/vocalist was a total badass; his contribution to the band was just beating the shit out of this KORG Triton synthesizer and lending some in-tune (thank you, O God of Israel) vocals. Looking at the way he played, jumping around and swinging on the roof and hitting the keys with the microphone, you'd think he had no idea what the hell he was doing, but all three of the band members each had a solo during their set, and he's pretty freakin good. Their sound is so unique. While he was fixing his keyboard the guitarist broke out into a blues solo. The drummer was like, Jesus. With drums. DrumsJesus the sequel.

So yeah, I got a free sticker. Emily got a shirt for free from the Miss the Mark vocalist, who was a pretty cool guy. The Bojones guitarist gave her a cd at a reduced price; he seemed kind of laid back. They're, like, from the South Side. We were easily the coolest people there, especially after all the Paris Hilton lookalikes showed up to watch the Creedesque Christian rock band.

Ever walk so much that the floor acts as kind of a baseball bat, bombarding your feet with painful pain each time you take a step? I'm passing out doorhangers for Jackpot Pizza now, and, well, I did that a lot today. I did roughly half of Oakwood Glen. I almost got eaten by some guy's giant Doberman, but luckily, the guy decided to tell it not to eat me. I thanked him.

It's a great gig for me because the boss of the place says he can keep me doing this about every week if I'm willing to distribute to my neighborhood, Oakwood Glen, and Spring Creek Oaks. I get paid 80 bucks in cash per thousand doorhangers (tax-fucking-free!), rather than being paid hourly. So, in other words, I actually get paid more if I work faster, rather than getting paid more for slacking off. It makes actually speaking with people worth it, because I know that for each crazy old man I give coupons to, I'm rewarded with eight precious cents. I like money. I think I'm going to use some of the extra dough to get a subscription to Ironcity gym so that I can really work out instead of bench-pressing on a slanted patio while breathing smoke from a barbecue grill. Not cool. Manly and rugged in a way, but not really much fun.

I need to get my hair cut, but I have to wait until March 17th because my hairstylistperson is moving out of the joint she used to work in and is getting her own place, supposedly because they paid her less and less. Meh.

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