Sunday, June 29, 2003

Larkin is gone. Gone until Thursday or so. Therefore, I am bored as all unholy hell. I mean, moreso than usual. I don't have anything to look forward to in the evenings. I'm just sort of sitting around, or riding my bike around, or playing too much CS. I hate CS. It's the worst game in the world. But it's the only thing to do.

I'm also working on my novel-in-progress. Oh, I hope it's not turning into shit. The first chapter was cool, what with the fight scene, but this is really the first thing like this I've ever done, so all this background information for my characters may or may not be pure crap. I've gotta get someone who knows what they're doing to review it. Like, not Todd. Because Todd says everything is crap. Except for lying around in the sun at the pool. That's fun.

Oh yeah. I did go to the pool with Rob and Todd the other day. It was allright, I guess. I think I prefer sitting around his dark house, wearing his trenchcoat and drinking his sodas, but it's nice to get outside every once in awhile. As long as I just sit in the sun.

I hate pool games. Pool games suck.

But I'm really liking this new thing Blogger's done with their publishing utilities. It's all better-looking and stuff, and the italics button isn't buggy, and I'm not getting pissed because publishing takes forever. Good job.

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