Tuesday, March 18, 2003

On a scale from one to ten, today was meh. This week is doing a spectacular job of being boring as hell, at least during school hours. Nothing to do in most of my classes but sit around and read a book; in English I'm waiting for people to finish reading Of Mice and Men, PE remains useless as we just stretch and play basketball. Same old, same old. Only classes that require a bit of work these days are chemistry and choir. Oh, and geometry. I'm failing geometry, so I have to ease back on my slacking off just a bit. Sigh. At least Larkin can cheer me up. The sky unleashed a temporary storm on her and I today as we ran for her car, then, as usual, became instantly sunny when I returned home. Why must the heavens taunt me so? I wouldn't mind it if it only rained on me, but to torment my friends is too much.

Well, the countdown continues to Saddam's deadline to conform to regulations. I wonder if it will be like New Years, the 10-9-8... countdown to global warfare. In 25 hours, we could very well start carpet bombing the middle east. I really don't pay enough attention to the details of politics to make a good rant about them. I can make fun of bush, as he's something of a religious fanatic, says "noo-cuu-lar" a lot, and is just dumb. Two of the things I despise most in anyone are profoundly evident in the commander-in-chief of the country that holds the most powerful military in the world. Apocolypse dawns in the form of the man they call Dubyah.

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