Tuesday, June 07, 2005

rock you like a hurricaaaaaaaaane

Texas is getting hotter. The whole damn state is trying to bake me into a crispy treat before I can escape.

I got some more work today from Jackpot Pizza. Have to start on Spring Creek Oaks tomorrow and work my way over to Oakwood Glen again. Might be the last time, might not. I am beginning to think I could only stand doing this once more. I'd like to be able to let my ankle really heal and not experience mild tendonitis behind my knees all the time.

I also may have gotten some work from my dear little modeling agency in NYC on the 16th and 17th. Might be kind of a big deal, might be another thing they taunt me with before telling me I won't be able to go. I'll do it if I can. I washed my hair six times tonight to get the blue kool-aid out.

Have to go and get a state ID tomorrow morning. It will help for boarding a plane.

Kara might be leaving tomorrow for her grandmother's. This would be rather sad as I've grown fond of our hikes together. Everyone will be far away soon. Especially those I just recently have been able to know better. Any way the wind blows...

~don't stop, get it, get it
we are your captains in it
steady, watch me navigate

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