Sunday, April 06, 2003

What a weekend. I'm finally all rested up from the New York trip, so I feel great. I'd feel even better if the weather hadn't turned so gloomy today; my bike-riding plans ruined! Oh well.

I can't very well put what went on Saturday into words- at least nothing deeper than what happened. Being home alone for most of the weekend, I invited Larkin over for the day. Watched a cute little French movie called Amelie. Fun stuff, that. Despite their bastardly, stepping-on-Sterling's-headphones ways, the French can make some pretty good jokes. After the movie, I cooked a light dinner for the both of us, and we listened to my collected mp3s of George Carlin, the harshest comedian in the world. It was hilarious! He makes fun of everything that is human! The man hates society even more than me. And so, it was a wonderful time. One of the more memorable days of my life. Was certainly nice to catch up on things after being in New York for five days, too. Sigh. I absolutely love that girl.

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