Tuesday, April 22, 2003

I've got to quit my habit of not updating this thing. It's becoming, well, habitual. Anyway, Easter holiday kicked ass. Thanks to my cute little mistress of evil, Larkin, I was able to indulge in the joys of both running amok in public places, scribbling drawings of John Lennon (Todd) on Easter eggs, and cuddling in front of the warez movie screen that is my computer. I report now on my glorious holiday. (Todd, by the way, hath crept on the bandwagon like Spiderman and gotten himself a blog. I think you'll find it morbidly tuxedo-riffic.)

Thursday, I gleefully slumped home with thoughts of a nice, relaxing four-day weekend crawling around in my head. It was a nice break from the monotony of school (which I complain of so much) to see the fishnet-clad Larkin come over. Always comforting is her presence, especially after a long week. We ended up watching movies on my computer again: The Count of Monte Cristo and A Beautiful Mind. I'd seen the latter before, and desired only to show it to the deprived eyes of Larkin, but Monte Cristo was new to me, and despite the subject (French people) and the parts where I was slightly distracted, I genuinely enjoyed the movie. French people, while being EXTREMELY French, can pull off some very nice Kung Fu swordfighting moves. And they've got those muzzleloading pistols.

Saturday, I decided to actually move outside my house and into the sunlight for a change, and accompanied Larkin and Cody to the Woodlands Mall. Our mission? To complete a photographic project entitled "How to Catch a Goth in Three Easy Steps". We of course, went to the best goth-catching place possible, Hot Topic, and proceeded to photograph Cody catching Larkin in a laundry net. Some splendid acting, if I do say so myself. After all that, we spied a bunch of freaks walking around and got pictures of them too. A grand time. Larkin came back to my place again once we had parted with Cody to watch the other DVD I came across, Signs. I really have to say, that after hating the movie the first time I watched it, then loving it the second, I really just think I hate it again. It's too damn sappy. Mel Gibson needs to quit bitching about his dead wife in there, and shoot some aliens. Have a good time! Hell, if some big green freak jumped in through my window and started marking hostile gestures at me with pointy claws, I wouldn't run downstairs and board up the windows! Where I currently sit, I have two pocket knives and one katana within my reach. I'm wearing three throwing knives on my belt, and I know the exact location of a shotgun and a box of shells in the next room. Having a good reason to kill something isn't a thing to run away from.

Just when the weekend couldn't get any more fun, I spent yet another day with Larkin. Best Easter I've ever had. Painted some very interesting designs on a bunch of boiled eggs, watched Strong Bad's emails, and ate a really nice artichoke/brisket/stir fry dinner. Larkin even brought a bottle of wine! I suppose I can always count on her for alcohol, or something. It was a great time. The whole holiday. The following day I even went over to her place to watch Pitch Black, a new favorite movie of mine featuring Vin Diesel, guns, aliens, and even some shiny objects.

It all kicked ass. Made me happy. I came to school today with some actual energy. It was fucking amazing. I know it won't last, but it felt great to actually have an active discussion at lunch, or at least loudly rant about modern society as I usually do, without falling asleep somewhere in between. I still feel like I could fly to Hokkaido or something and kick a hundred ninjas in the face. BAM!

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