Thursday, April 03, 2003

Ah, tomorrow is the end of a tiresome week. I can catch up on the huge portions of sleep I lost in New York, while eagerly catching up on my social life a bit as well. I don't get to see my snuggly female companion nearly enough during the daytime; I'm sure we'll plan something fun over the weekend.

Today would've been hellishly monotonous if I hadn't the company of yet another one of Larkin's comic books: a Maakies collection by Tony Millionaire. Brilliant stuff, that. Such morbid mutilations of cute things! I enjoy having decent things to read. Deeply. I've read The Lord of the Rings three times already, Of Mice and Men sucks ass and is only a hundred pages long, and The Mists of Avalon got somewhat repetitive after page 400-something. Too much sex in the book, and if that weren't enough, too much vivid description!

English passed by within in a few eternities. I think the teacher liked the essay I wrote on the American dream, though we were forced to use a lot of quotes and sixth grade special education vocabulary words like "buck" and "skeptical". I may post the essay later on, just for the hell of it. I get a sense of satisfaction when large amounts of text fill the bottomless pit that is my blog archive. PE took even longer to end, as I really just sit by the stands, alone. No one dare come near me to retrieve a lost basketball, lest they face a rampage of Wobbly Headed Bob quotes. Someday I'll destroy them all. Infidels.

In programming, Mrs.Gonzalez, the droning whore of pointless anti-racism lectures (we get it- you've taught at ghetto schools, and we know that black people are okay, damnit) came up to me near the end of class and mentioned the five assignments I haven't turned in during the past week or so. It was great. A half a year of being the most silent, obedient, highest-scoring test-taker who never comes in late really accumulates a lot of credit for screwups over time. She probably doesn't realize I'm using telnet to hack into all the school's routers, but who's to blame her- she is, after all, a master of Visual BASIC, the king of all pointless, boring things you can do with a computer. I simply avoided her inquiry by stating that most of the assignments were probably on my student disk, that I'd been missing oh so much sleep over the past few days due to the sheer stress of travel, blah blah stress blah blah school is hard blah blah witty secretive deception blah. I'll just do the five assignments in the first ten minutes of class tomorrow and put them on her desk... Honestly, can't a guy get some sleep or read a book in class?

My throat is still sore from all the damn ammonium hydroxide fumes in chemistry. The shit reeks of 15 different industrial-strength cleaners mixed together. We're still doing the qualitative analysis lab, which I am, by all means, not very good at. Today I just gave up altogether and mixed up chemicals. I found that, by adding phenalphetein or whatever the fuck that stuff is called, into hydrochloric acid, I can simulate the cloudy red color of lead. By dumping that noxious, smoky mixture into the sink, I then put my blue pencil eraser into some sulfuric acid to simulate cobalt confirmation. I am good.

Choir is sucking a lot. UIL is next Thursday, and I want nothing more than to get that crap over with. I hate sightreading! It's not that I'm bad at it. Seriously. It's the easiest thing in the world, especially for bases, considering the songs' repetitive quarter notes. We serve to make low-pitched ambient noise. Nothing more. Loud, obnoxious, testosterone-poisoned men cannot do much more than yell. Unless you're actually not a complete fuqtard. Jesus.

My classes, aside from choir, are of no benefit anymore. It seems I just go to school every day because there are laws out to kick my ass if I don't. I need to summon that big, round, middle-aged, menopause-stricken bitch of a counsellor and get my classes straightened out for next year. I'm not going to take AP history. Too much damn work, even if I did tell her to screen me for it. I may stick with honors physics. Maybe. I hear it's hard as all unholy hell, and I hate mathematics. Which is why I'm going to stay in regulars algebra. Curse the district for making me take these useless courses! Curse it with a thousand pointy objects! I'm going to get the hell out of my retard-filled regulars English class, however, and get screened for honors AP. If there's anything I'd rather do than write useless mathmatical equations, make little accounting programs with the most BORING WOMAN IN THE WORLD, or study people who died a thousand years ago trying to conquer some small third-world country, I'd rather improve my writing skills. Well, wait a minute. I'd rather take over the world and create a race of robots designed to kill every human lacking the intelligence to use their turn signals while driving in subdivisions. But writing skills is a very close second!

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