Saturday, March 12, 2005


Just now, I theorized that Starbucks has a ploy to destroy America by overcaffeinating us until our hearts explode. My god, I am hyperactive right now.

My horoscope said today that I need to follow my passions. I think I'll do just that. I just need to figure out what my passions are. I mean, besides what I know of. I already cooked a bunch of junk today.

The past two weeks have been unnaturally stressful for me. I was hoping to have a nice, quiet weekend of relaxation or something, but things still aren't really going my way. I realize that I haven't posted this: I spraigned my ankle last friday and thus haven't been able to work for awhile, and it's been really bugging me. I got back to work yesterday but I'm still terrified of stepping on something the wrong way. I fell on the goddamned thing Wednesday. Christ, school is so fucking dull! I've taken up motherfucking embroidery to pass the time during class. None of my teachers even give a shit if I thread needles and split embroidery thread while they're lecturing. It's so awful. The strap on my bag is so elaborately colorful it's not even funny. Right now, my parents have some friends visiting, who smoke, and are sleeping in my bed, so I'm sleeping on the floor in my room next to old broken computer hardware while listening to bojones. There is, at least, that. Though I need to get the CD. I'm missing out a lot just by downloading the junk off their website.

Good things are happening, though: tonight at Starbucks me and Todd analyzed this couple's conversation and how awkward they seemed to be feeling. The guy kept talking about himself and the girl just laughed and looked at her cellphone. It was really hilarious--I love people-watching. Not only that, we see so many people we know at Starbucks. And the sexy barista said I have pretty hair. +10 points. I didn't even break any glass bottles this time.

Also, Julia's back in town. Hoping to hang out with her tomorrow. She's one of those people that's really pleasant to be around no matter what. I think the only other two people who remind me of her in that way are Esin and Aylin. They are such nice people and really lift up my mood. They gave me a ride home the other day and they always have cheerful music in their car, and it's always a really nice day when they take me home. Things like that keep me going.

I got paid, too. It's nice going out and not paying for things with quarters and dimes and sometimes nickels. I'm going to spend 75 bucks on a subscription to Ironcity Gym, I think. I'll take out my adolescent rage on machines now instead of a barbell. Or both. I think the warmer weather is motivating me to work out more--I'm bench pressing every two days now instead of every week on a different workout schedule. Doing higher weight with as many reps as possible now; the whole three sets of one moderate weight routine rather than going up and down. It's easier not in the actual workout, but in the sense that I don't have to run around putting more weight on/taking it off of the bar, and I think it's working better. after a few more workouts I'll try mixing it with my older routine to see if my max can improve again. Gra. Maybe when I start going to the gym and being hardcore I'll start a workout blog. Probably not.

I tried out for a fucking jazz solo in chamber the other day. It was amazing. I was even the first person to try out. I think I've changed.

~we're all losers and we
we do what we're told

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