Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Holy crap, I am awesome. Tonight I went to Ironcity Gym and got my subscription and worked out mad crazy (because you always work out too much your first day at the gym). I pushed 400 fucking pounds on the leg press twelve times, and then did 400 pounds on the standing calf raise. It was so awesome. I never had any idea I could exert that much force on an object. I could definitely do more weight than that too; I mean, I did it twelve fucking times! I feel like I could kick through a bomb shelter.

Actually, I think I wore myself out today more than I ever have. I was in Spring Creek Oaks working from noon to six, and after I ate a lot of food, I did all that stuff at the gym. I swear to god I used half the machines there. I saw Meaghan Golden while on the job--she opened the door after I made my ninja-advertisement strike--which was good because I was completely out of water and on the verge of death, and she helped me. I actually finished that neighborhood today, which is good, because I'll actually have some time to enjoy this break.

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