Sunday, March 13, 2005

I know I won't be able to sleep right now if I try, so I won't even bother until another hour or two passes. My blog needs attention anyway. It's like a hungry kitten.

Today kicked ass. I was going to work, but my ankle was bothering me again, so I, um, didn't. Julia, Todd and I went running around to Starbucks, and then Target, where I bought some sweet new blue shades which make me look like a total scenester. I was introduced to Los Cucos which is my new favorite Mexican place. The food wasn't sickeningly doused with cheese. I mean, it was still Tex-Mexish, but it was goddamn good. I never thought beef fajitas could be so good really well done like that.

My barbershop ensemble was supposed to practice tonight, and we did assemble at Scott's house, but Minna is the middle of all our chords and he wasn't there, so we sounded like shit. I had a profound realization also that we always get together way too late to sing upbeat music, but I dunno, I could be utterly wrong.

Julia's taking Todd to prom. Or the other way around, I guess. I think our plan may be to form our own small group rather than trying to caravan around with a crowd of grumpy people in formal attire. Thinking small is kind of healthy for occasions like this. I honestly have no earthly idea who I'll ask, if I even end up asking anyone. Prom's far away, granted, but at this point I don't really care if I go with or without a date. Maybe high school is wearing off, or something, but it just doesn't seem like such an incredible, unforgettable big deal to me. It's just one of those things you go to.

Weirdest coincidence in the world happened today. I got out of Julia's car in my driveway, and took off my super 1337 new shades, and the makeup artist from the photoshoot I was in awhile back is standing in my driveway. Apparently she and her husband, who's a photographer, have known our new neighbors, the Szabo lawn guys, for ten years. It was weird. Houston is HUGE and I happened to see this person today, who was drawing on my face a few weeks ago at this little photo studio downtown. They want to buy our house.

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