Sunday, August 17, 2003

Holy shit! Larkin planned a surprise birthday party for me. Yesterday, it turns out, all my friends had showed up a bit earlier, awaiting Larkin and I. A birthday party. For me. I haven't had one of those in years! Since Kevin Young lived here! No one's ever done something so nice for me. I can't believe it. I've got friends. I'm loved! This is all I ever wanted. Someone to cuddle with and friendly people to celebrate my birthday with. Thank you, everyone!

And today, I made 55 bucks mowing eight lawns. With plenty of energy to spare. I actually feel pretty good. I even feel like staying up a bit later, and it's like, 1:30 or some shit. Amazing. If I've got time on Monday, I can do the Mallory's yard too, and get 20 bucks more. Kickass!

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