Monday, August 18, 2003

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Man, that damn counselors' lotto that determines our schedules sucks. A lot. Well, I got a mediocre situation. First period is English with Rob and Sterling. Second I've got US History with a bunch of fucking idiots and a bastard of a coach teaching us. Third, I've got physics, and I can at least talk to Celeste in there. The teacher's okay.

But fuckdoodles! 4a lunch! I don't get to sit with Larkin... yet. She's dropping psychology, so once her schedule's completely rearranged, she should be in my lunch period. It will make the day tolerable. Most tolerable indeed.

So fourth, I've got German. The teacher, Mr.Kidd, kicks some ass. He's that guy that owns the big Volkswagen van with the graffiti on it. He's so cool! All with the German speaking and the no paperwork and no first day homework, and all that good shit. He just talked to us today, and gave us our German names. JOHANN GRAY HEIDELMEIER!

Fifth is choir. And damn, is it nice. It's not nearly as loud and obnoxious as it used to be, mainly because my junior class fucking pwnz it, and it's not composed of 115 people. Mary and Julia and Sterling and Kathy and peeeeeeeeople! Adam Santley's back though. Fucker.

And lastly, I've got a nice, shitty Algebra 2 with Mrs.Whatsherface, who's got big arms and is really loud. I don't know anyone in there- wait- I know Adam Pope and Nicole FuckToddoverberg.

Ah, sigh. What a huge amount of work I have ahead of me. But, meh. I want to do it. I'm not going to be some slacker anymore. If I fail something, it's going to be of my own sheer stupidity, not my laziness. And I've got 75 dollars from mowing lawns. I'm buying Larkin some sushi.

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