Thursday, April 07, 2005

we drift deeper

Yay, I'm passing all my classes! I was slowly growing more and more paranoid about it this year until today when I found out I've got an 80 in government, an 82 in psych, and whatever I have in German is passing. There wasn't really any way I could've failed, I was just kind of in an irrational fear of losing about a thousand dollars.

Ran a mile today at the gym. It was the first time I've run there, and really the first time I've jogged much at all in a long time. I think I'm going to make a habit of it because it will probably help me out with my job to have more stamina. Even with all that walking, I don't have a lot of cardiovascular strength, and I'm going to fix that. I've got the strength training shit down, so now I can work on endurance. Grunt!

I kind of want to go to javajazz Saturday night. Julie's band is playing and so is Erika's, and I've never heard either before but it'd be kind of cool since I know them. Anybody want to go?

Fuck, I think I'm just going to show up at fifth period tomorrow.

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