Thursday, January 13, 2005

I've an addiction to sex............................................. cake

I'm so tired. I can hardly move my freaking arms, pathetically, even though I could only hit 20 pounds less than what I usually can on my bench press tonight. It must be the lack of sleep. I realized today that if I go to bed "on time" (ten o'clock) and wake up "on time" (5:30) then I can still only get seven and a half hours of sleep maximum. My dad won't let me make the pumpkin spiced coffee anymore. He must not like fun in the morning. Me? I thrive on fun. I serenade through the kitchen juggling oatmeal and apples in order to try and raise my spirits on a daily basis.

I will take a trip back in time and tell you what happened to me in each class today.

Mr.Rice asked me in psychology today if my parents would let me have a party at my house with all the marijuana I wanted, truly testing my family to see if it was the "permissive" type. I replied that they probably wouldn't mind provided I cleaned up after myself, but really, that's not the truth. They'd never let me do it unless I invited them.

There's a girl in my government class sitting on the diagonal from me who has worn the same jeans for two days, which I was able to tell by the little red tag on the pocket, but today she wore different jeans that had a little useless pocket with a snap on them. I found the change fascinating. You would, too. Two people were snoring in that class this morning.

I fished around in my messenger bag today (which is filled with a wide assortment of junk ranging from Walgreens Chap-Aid that smells like cherry life-savers to a mysteriously cylindrical hairbrush to copies of obscure, old choral songs from seventh grade region choir, which I never even auditioned for, as Mrs.Travis didn't approve of how well I knew Cantate Fucking Domino) and found a "Special K Cereal Bar". It only contained 90 kiloCalories of heat energy and I was sad. Fate also took a cruel blow at me today when I was given a peanut butter sandwich after having eaten a banana.

In English, I read Brave New World. It's okay. I started it once but never finished it, and Shit, because I think some questions are due on it tomorrow. Meh.

In choir we've got a new song, which I don't really like already, because the entire range of the song is exercised in the first two measures and it has boring syncopation for which we were forced to count today. Retarded. I hate counting and I know very well that even in the elusive 6/4 time signature, two eighth notes still equal one quarter note. Holy Jesus.

I... I actually am pretty sure I'm the only bass 2 left in chamber choir.

After school today my mother drove me downtown to see my gay buddies at the Neal Hamil modeling agency. I truly had imagined them forgetting about me completely, and really, I was starting to kind of abandon this project of mine, but I got quite a bit of positive reinforcement today when they said my skin was looking a lot better since my cheap Vietnamese dermatologist helped me out so kindly. Also, I have a photo shoot scheduled for next Friday, not for making my comp cards or anything, but for the promotional poster they want me in. If you've ever been to the mall and seen the "be a model" bullshit set up with them taking pictures of random passers-by, they've usually got big posters set up advertising some kind of fake contest, and I'm going to be on it this year, evidently with some totally hot chick. Anyway, those guys are cool. They said they could send me to NYC in the summer. Sweet.

I think I've hurt my elbow. Ow. Now my left arm is really screwed up.

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