Friday, January 14, 2005

Current Mood = moderately emo (sad kitty face) Current Song = I Still Fucking Can't Sing But I Have Sold a Lot of Albums, Bitches - Bright Eyes

Could possibly be suffering breakdown of sorts. I'm beginning to snap at people and I couldn't make pie crust tonight. It's obviously because I need sleep, but I also probably need to get out of my house. I hate, hate it when my father, on beer number x > 6, will try to show me tips on making pie crust. I've never even seen him make a pie.

Have you ever been sitting in a class in the career center--you know, one of those artificially-lighted white concrete pillboxes (there isn't a goddamned window in that entire building)--and, amidst the snoring, Coach Jackson telling you that Thomas Jefferson--holy FUCKING SHIT, guys--wrote the declaration of independence, longed furiously to make somebody pay for wasting those precious hours of your life? I would truly like to save the required bullshit courses where I sit and drool on my desk with people reeking of tobacco for when I am older. Like, really old. So that way, I'll be able to say that I lived every hour of my teenage years like it meant the world to me. Damnit. Damnit! I spent an hour today eating pop-tarts. If we shortened the school day to three hours, it would be so much more time-effective! We could all add to the workforce and save money and become good people instead of getting another hundred on a test which was essentially a form I had to fill out. I'm serious. They're like surveys where you fill out your name, date, and how you found out about this product.

The girl had the jeans with the red tag on them again today. I guess those are her favorite.

I'm reading the Bible. I may be one to hate on the G-man, forizzle, yo, but I've never really joined the atheists that are so openly antagonistic when they know nothing about that which they shun. I read what I refute because to do otherwise is wildly hypocritical, and I'm likely guilty of that in some other fields, but, well, I'm a human fucking being and I like to talk smack. So sue me. Anyway, I think it's a real piece of work, but it should really go in the comedy section. I think the damn thing's hilarious. I'm not going to worship a dumbshit God. If I didn't want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit, I wouldn't have put the stupid fucking tree there in the first place. God screwed up bigtime on that one. And then, when he's all like, "Shit, they ate the fruit" and stuff, then he's like "Well get the fuck outta here" because if they'd eaten from the tree of life, evidently, they would've lived forever, or been gods themselves, or something really sort of interesting but too theologically hazy to really give a shit about. I mean, really, though. First three pages, and I'm already filled with doubts and questions. After Creation, they spend, like, two pages making up names like Ham and Shem to record the "lineage of Adam and Eve", and they expect you to believe that they all lived at least nine-hundred years.

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