Monday, May 19, 2003

Today, a Monday of all days usually unholy and soulless, I am in a mood beyond all that is goodness. Even moreso after school. I don't know why this aura of sentimentality and appreciation of life has overtaken me specifically- I do think it has something to do with Larkin, and her making me happy, as she always does. Today, as we went on a casual romp through the wilderness, I had an insatiable hunger for warm embraces and soft kisses. I thrive on affection. It erodes all my beloved, harsh cynicism and jagged logic and puts me in a tranquil state. I yield to love alone. And I've finally found someone who I can believe when she speaks to me of her feelings for me, bringing tears to my eyes with her sincere honesty, tears that heal the bitterness I carry for my previously bumpy love life. Ah, to be young...

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