Sunday, May 11, 2003

Shit! It's Sunday already. This weekend has gone by far too fast. I want four extra days. It must be the pop concert's fault.

And, I must say, the pop concert this year sucked ass. I'm not going to pay any shred of attention to whatever speech Mr.Raddin gives about this one being the "best we've ever had" or a "spiritual experience" or some sentimental shit like that. To highlight a few of the worst things:

1.Poorly coreographed, annoying yet catchy Broadway tunes sung by the choirs
2.Poorly coreographed, annoying yet catchy Broadway tunes sung by soloists
3.Country music solos, complete with mutilated cowboy hats and off-key singing
4.Too much RELIGIOUS BULLSHIT music with some guy singing about Jesus and the guy's mother playing the piano
5.It was three hours long
6.My cat slept on my black pants, making them fuzzy and orange
7.I actually had to go to the fucking thing

But, there were also a few things to brighten my spirits.

1.Larkin was there
2.Larkin gave me a flower
3.Larkin kicks ass
4.We went to Starbucks afterwards

So passes one of the few choral events I can barely tolerate. I really love choir. Singing is cool. But I really can't stand this "pop" crap. Why do we even bother with coreography? We all look like disgruntled monkeys, waving our arms above our heads and holding hands to symbolize unity- which, by the way, I did not enjoy, standing next to Palisin. The only people that don't look that way are those overenthusiastic, foolish, ditzy, immature, grinning standleader types who act out the simple coreography like clowns. Thank you, Larkin. Thank you for sitting through that with me.

Yet another day spent with Larkin yesterday, in fact- escaping the clutches of her father, she drove over here following a cheerleaders' car wash. Now, Larkin has a far greater collection of anime than I. Compared to my huge amounts of anime on my computer, and a few Korean VCDs of Record of Lodoss Wars, she actually owns some physical videos of decent anime. The DVD she dug up yesterday, which I have been waiting to see for quite awhile, was Spirited Away. Made by those guys that did Princess Mononoke and some other neat stuff, this movie is veritably the most fucked up thing I've ever watched. Little frogs and giant "radish spirits" running around in a giant spiritual bathhouse with a little girl named Chihiro. It was neat...

You know, few types of people piss me off more than the ditzy, immature female who will actually ditch the guy on the first date. My poor buddy Todd was stood upby such an uberbitch, Nicole Weinberg! Just when I thought all would be well, Todd might have found himself a female companion, she doesn't even go to see the movie he asked her out to a week before! And on account of some "bad relationship" she'd just gotten out of. Dry your tears and at least keep your promises, you MERETRIX!

Sigh. At least I still maintain my immeasurable happiness. Not only am I feeling better than ever, we've got just a few weeks until school's out! I think I can last that long.

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