Sunday, November 17, 2002

Region choir weekend was such an awesome thing, and yet horribly traumatic at the same time. No, no one died or anything, but I'm tired as hell. When we got to our hotel, we hung out in the room for awhile with Kathy and Claire, and then went off to the first half-day of rehearsal. It wasn't that bad, except for the fact that I was sick and really congested. Not good for singing. Long rehearsal, dinner, some more rehearsal, and then we went back to our hotel to watch this great Irish comedian on Comedy Central for awhile with a bunch of people. Of course, the next day must've been the longest of my life. The first rehearsal was three hours of just standing on risers and singing. That killed my legs, whereas the following shorter rehearsals killed my voice. It lasted just about long enough to sing at the concert, and then I was a hoarse maniac on the ride home. I'm so exhausted right now, and actually really sick, meaning that I'm done typing this.

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