Monday, August 15, 2005

It's 76 degrees

Mmf. I have a big wedge of blue English Stilton that I found at Giant Eagle and it is so good. So good. My friends think I'm crazy for eating such a stinky and ancient British dairy product.

Piping (pastry bag) practical was today, and I scored a 96 on it. Not bad, considering that's not one of my strong areas. We had the option of being graded on either single or triple-tier rosettes and I chose to do the triple-tiered; I think they're easier since if you screw up on the lower half you can just cover it up. The written test was today, too, but I'm not worried about how I did on that. I mean, who doesn't know what beurre manie or fromage de chevre is?

Nemacolin Resort, a four-star four-diamond joint about 60 miles out of Pittsburgh, is recruiting cooks from PCI for a huge PGA Classic event at their Mystic Rock course. It's an unpaid, two eight-hour shift job, but I'm signing up for the experience, and hopefully I'll be able to do it. This is an amazing oppurtunity--one of those really large-scale, mind-boggling foodservice operations with 19 kitchens serving 200,000 people in four days.

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