Friday, August 19, 2005

ex-heroin-addict metalheads, spicy sausages

Tonight I saw some hardcore death metal. I bought a shirt to support one of the bands, Brave the Fire, because they were awesome.

Probably going to go back to the coffeehouse the event was hosted at (Prava) tomorrow night. Tonight was metal, tomorrow's some alternative stuff, likely to be more in my element. And God in Heaven do they have good coffee. At any given moment they've got six different blends freshly brewed. It's not like going to Javajazz in Olde Town Spring and ordering a cappucino somebody makes with some kind of whisk attachment for an electric drill. The people there are awesome too. Apparently there are midnight poetry readings on weekdays, but it's unlikely I'll make it there for that very often since I've gotta wake up and cook for three hours at 8:30.

Speaking of cooking, it's nice. Made raspberry souffle and some other things today as part of the class day, but what was the most fun was playing around with some sausage Chef threw at me because he needed to get rid of it to clear out some space in one of our coolers. I love the fact that we just do whatever we feel like with extra ingredients. I grabbed a gigantic saute pan and started flipping the stuff with lots of onions, garlic, cumin, paprika, and cayenne for a spicy side dish to the Mexican stuff we made today. It went pretty fast when we all sat down to eat, so I felt pretty good about my handiwork.

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