Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Reached new bench press: 170. Woo.

I, John Heidelmeier, think Halo 2 is retarded.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, it's time to talk about my day as if I had recently created my journal and was still enthusiastic about doing so. I heard bad speeches in 1st period today, probably about as bad as my own. I think the teacher was lecturing us on something in Economics. Meh. There is a girl in German who wants to brush my hair and do various other things with me in the men's restroom. I have made a point of being either way, way too busy to talk or way, way too sleepy to talk the past several days in that class. The good part about German though is I just kind of eat cookies.

In other news, I did my English homework on the way to English, sat around in the practice-room-in-the-back drinking sodas in choir with a few agreeable sophomores and one junior who's a complete fucking narcissist that loves to hear his voice. "Tenors, let's hear you from measure 10." And then this damn bass 2 will sing along with them, or do some obnoxious thing because he's full of himself after making second in region. Whee. He sings the warmups in the exact opposite way we do them so he'll stand out; if we sing a scale from low to high, he'll sing from high to low and brag about how well it harmonizes. I wish to hit him with a truck full, oh, very full, of rocks.

Nearly didn't go to pre-area rehearsal today, as only three people showed up, me and the narcissist including. I was heading out of the choir room to maybe idiotically sit around with the lit club, but then I learned that Mr.Raddin would be rehearsing us, so I stayed, because Mr.Raddin is cool and shit.

I got a real fruit smoothie today. Real. Fruit. Smoothie.

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