Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Well, I've been busy recently. I've been sick, and I'm still worrying about mowing lawns, my schedule for next year, and school (probably going to fail algebra). Though the modeling thing I don't really have to worry about now so much as continue to keep up with--I got the contract with Neal Hamil I was looking for, and am going to take it, and considering my being male, I'll probably get plenty of work once I finish their little training program. Of course, I wasn't really worried about that in the first place; when I got to the Mayo-Hill modeling school for my interview, I realized that my competition was composed of three other shaggy looking fellows, in it for the money way more than for the fame. That's how I am too, mostly, but I must admit, I'm intrigued by the notion of becoming part of something like this. Not just because it'll probably end up paying for my college, but because it really interests me. Or maybe I just really want to go back to New York. Truly, that trip last year changed my life. I guess I view the place I live in now as nice, but substandard in comparison to that stroll down Times Square in the shadow of hundreds of thousands of tons of steel.

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