Monday, April 12, 2004

For anyone into political humor that rags on the conservative system of thought, Al Franken's Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations is pretty damn funny.

Back from Fannin. For once this year, I feel well-rested, despite the College Board's idea to give me my SAT score right when I got back. I made a 1220. Above average, I guess. I'll take it again later and apply myself.

But yeah, that was fun. I must've walked 20+ miles total the whole time I was down there. I got as far away from gravel roads and loud compressors as possible and just mucked around in the wilderness that no one else thinks to walk through. I shot at something and missed. My dad was the one who (literally) brought home the bacon this trip, although hunting is never really all I go up there for. I must admit though, the difference between stalking in the jungle with a rifle and sitting in a wooden box trying to lure animals to you is one of great proportions. I don't usually call sitting in a blind "hunting"; I call it "sitting". The former is really truly exciting, even if all you do is look at shit. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to kill anything to have fun, though it does make your groceries a lot cheaper. I'll write an essay or a short story or something about my stealthy adventures with deer, turkeys, sandhill cranes, coyotes, gargantuan wild black boars, and the occasional jackrabbit later on. But right now I'll tell you it was really refreshing to get away from civilization. I didn't even mind the fact that my only human contact was a group of people who still think the South won the civil war. They do a hell of a fish fry regardless of their political views, which I think is something mature people ought to be able to realize.

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