Thursday, April 22, 2004

1) what do you think of me? (hehe sorry i copied yours, but i guess we're all a little self-centered!) You're a damn smart girl with the sense to question what's around you, and I really admire that. The fact that you have political views uncharacteristic of the South alone makes you a valuable friend. But you've also got a really cool sense of style. Don't let anyone rag on your leather boots. And by the way, you don't come across as negative.

2) what do you love most about larkin? Intelligence and maturity. She's the first person I've dated who really understands me--hell, she's helped me understand me--and she's wise beyond her years. I think that quite possibly I am the luckiest man alive to have been with her for so long, for I would be half the man I am today if she hadn't influenced who I've become over the past year. Thank you for asking me that question.

3)what song makes you cry? Can't Stop the Beat. No, seriously. That song affects my personal well-being. It's going to give me high blood pressure and baldness. Fuck broadway! Oh, in the name of God's Honda Civic, nothing but rave music should be set at 160 beats per minute!

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