Wednesday, March 31, 2004

H.L. Mencken was a damned genius.

I forgot to mention it, but a few weeks ago, Larkin and I came across something uncharacteristically fucked up while driving to my house. It was late at night, and as we drove by a yellow, two-story house with neatly trimmed hedges and a lot of pickup trucks parked close by, we noticed the place was absolutely studded with Confederate flags. The little ones--you know, the kind that are on little sticks so you can stick them in your yard. They were lined up alternately with the American flag around the perimeter of the house, and out in the driveway, a bunch of rednecks were unfolding a gigantic banner to tack up on the side of the house.

I don't know what the fuck that was about.

Anyway, it's a busy week for me. Between making a feeble attempt at keeping up with school, mowing lawns, worrying about next year's hospitality course, and trying to stay in shape for the interview I've got with that Neal Hamil modeling agency this Saturday, and choir, I'm having a rough time. There are, however, some nice things that've happened to keep me from falling apart. I made a new friend in history who happens to be a fabulous artist, and Julia and I hung around Starbucks for an hour after Pre-UIL, discussing the very infrastructure of adolescent life. I made dinner for Larkin on Sunday, and then cooked again for Sterling and Julia on Monday night, after chamber rehearsal. And oh, the joy that cooking meals for people gives me! I can't wait to be able to do it all day and get paid for it.

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