Tuesday, March 23, 2004

You know, I've never really talked about it before, whole Conservative vs. Liberal thing. I think it's obvious why; I think Republicans are so ridiculous that I don't really even see the need to think about them, much less make angry blog posts. But the way political views work in high school is interesting, so I'll tell you what I think.

Being a Republican or Democrat really doesn't hold any meaning in our age group, or so it seems. Not only is it really just sort of trendy to make some sort of statement, but too many people are impractical and on the real extremist ends of the political spectrum (not even being able to vote anyway is another thing). Either we carry to school what our parents say at the dinner table about those damn Japs taking over the Western world, or we look at the gory mess the media shows us of the world, and immediately jump over to the hardcore left-wing side to declare the abrupt end of fossil fuel use, all wars, and environmental pollution.

Is it just me, or is no one practical at all? Obviously, we can't lead our country as our hotheaded "Bring Em On" Texan asshole president is doing, wrecking the economy for oil wars. But it's not like someone new will take the office and instantly end strife forever, or return America to its pre-WWI isolationist state, or require the use of solar-powered cars. I wish. But it's not practical.

Those are nice ideals and all, but if you really want to get something done, you have to be a little more moderate; if we withdrew everything from the Middle East right now, the place would probably just degenerate to a worse warzone than it is, with lost hopes of some stable form of government (even if it is obnoxiously American). I get what we say we're trying to do, which is to help people, but I don't get carpet-bombing whole countries to satisfy the media and someone's re-election campaign by capturing one guy in the midst of a bazillion suicide bombers. I don't get starting the whole "reconstruction of the Middle East" with an arrogant plot for revenge. I also don't get lying to the American people (got uranium from where?), and keeping us in a constant state of fear (terrorist threat my ass, it's the other side of the world) so that we don't question the actions of the government.

You see what I'm talking about? Liberals have it right, because when I think Liberal, I think political reform, and when I think Conservative, I think war and economic depression as a result of the Conservation of old methods. It's just that, not only can we not be too radical because we won't get voted into office, but because the world is real, and full of big problems, and won't change with the instantaneous abolishment of all militaries by a lofty idealist.

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