Thursday, March 18, 2004

1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? I dunno if I'd want to be a homeowner so much as living in a big city in some penthouse apartment, to tell you the truth.

2. Favorite article of clothing: Canvas trenchcoat that's about as tall as I am.

3. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Face and/or short hair.

4. Last movie seen at a theater: The Last Samurai. And boy, was it badass. I wouldn't think it with Tom Cruise, too...

5. Favorite place to be: With people.

6. Least favorite place to be: Staked to the ground in an African jungle.

7. Place where you like to be massaged: Scalp. Most people don't realize that long hair can be PAINFUL.

8. Strong in mind or body: Mind. I'm a twig by genetic composition, but I kill myself every once in awhile to look good at the swimming pool.

9. What time do you wake up? School days? 6 A.M. Weekends? 1 P.M.

10. Favorite kitchen appliance: Gas stove, since chefs' knives aren't really appliances.

11. What makes you angry? Being abandoned, and occasionally, religion, but even things that I oppose morally don't truly infuriate me, they just inspire me to satirize.

12.What instrument do you play? The bass voice, and the recording software studio.

13. Favorite colors: Cobalt blue and scarlet red. The first should be the color of a tie, and the second a shirt.

14. Sports car or SUV? Sports car. Although it's nice to be able to see over the other cars on the road, gasoline is expensive and won't be around for much longer.

15.Do you believe in the afterlife? No. Not really. So imma kick some ass while I'm here~

16. Favorite children's book: I don't know, but it's certainly not Hop on Pop.

17. Favorite household chore: Cooking. Co-Goddamn-oking.

18. What superpower would you like to have? The ability to fly around. Or maybe laser eyes. Fuck.

19. If you had to spend 30 minutes talking to a famous person, who would it be? You might think I'd say Edgar Allen Poe, but he was always drunk, fucked up on opium, or depressed, so I think there would be a lot of awkward silence. I think I'd talk to Jesus and be all, hey, man, you should run away, because they make a movie about you in the future, and you die in the end.

20. Favorite person in your past: This one time, I kept a crawdad as a pet. And he PINCHED me. That definitely wasn't my favorite person.

21. Favorite day: Saturday, because if I want, I can just sit and stare at stuff for a day, or I can get out and do stuff, but either way I get to stay up until 4 AM.

22. What do you have in the trunk of your car? If I had a car, Todd's body would be in there.

23. Sushi or hamburger: Sushi. I like hamburgers and all, but you can get one for 99 cents at any McShittles or someplace like that, and not only that, the Japanese have it figured out--they don't even cook the stuff before they eat it.

24. Of all the people that you emailed this to, who is most likely to respond? I don't really send emails to people.

25. Least likely to respond? Shut your pie orifice~

26. What career would you like to pursue if you had the chance? If not executive chef at some nice restaurant, with a fishtank, then I'd probably just mow lawns my whole life. I have a strange fascination with the simplicity of manual labor, and killing myself in the hot sun. I dunno what's wrong with me.

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