Tuesday, January 22, 2008

wow, insomnia.

It's five. I am wide awake. This is a problematic way to start off a six-day work week. At the same time, I don't get a ton of sleep these days anyway, so it shouldn't be much different than usual...

Took the bike out for a big ride today (new Michelin Speediums, there's nothing like new tires). Enjoyable, but cold as hell. I also ended up getting a flat right before I got on the Smithfield St. Bridge. I was waiting for the light to turn, looked down at my wheel, and saw a thumbtack sticking right out, as if somebody was going to hang a picture. Who drops a thumbtack on the road?! Needless to say, I reached down and took it out, instantly letting all the air out of the tube, instead of riding as far as possible on it. Tonight, I resolved to NEVER go out without patches, a spare tube, and a frame pump. I think I'm going to use some of my insurance claim cash to buy one. And maybe some tire liners. Flats are a total bummer. Seeing Pittsburgh via bicycle is wonderful, though. There's something exhilirating about going over a bridge with no windshield in front of you...

Anyway, here's a list of things I really want to do with my life:

Make a risotto cake using pork stock with smushed up pinto beans and chilies (I just think this would be TOTALLY delicious).

Be a bike messenger.

Someday quit cooking, go back to school for music, and get back into choral music, maybe professionally.

Race in a velodrome.

Learn to TIG weld. I would love to build frames someday. You can get a pretty basic kit for around 1500 bucks.

Find true love.

Find plenty of other love.

Actually pick up this damn guitar and learn to play.

Try being a breakfast cook. Or any other job that would allow me to see what a normal person's work schedule is like.

Use my 35mm more. It's a beautiful old camera.

Build more things. Tables, chairs, cabinets, etc. Get much better at carpentry/home improvement, honest crafts in general.

Go on a really, really long bicycle tour. Seriously, I'm talking save up some money, mount some serious panniers on the bike, sublet my apartment, and be a drifter. I really, really, really want to do this.

Own a gun. I was such a good shot in Texas, and regardless of what all my ultra anti-gun readers think, they are extremely fun. Also, get good at archery.

Get back into weightlifting. Preferrably at a place where I can do it at home. Gyms are expennnnnsive. Honestly though, I just wanna see how much I can leg press these days...

Learn to box. And I mean old school, jogging at five AM, Rocky boxing.

Make wine again. Make a ton of it. Also, get wine and save it.

Do all this before the end of the world. When the end of the world comes, be on the high ground so I can live a really cool post-apocalyptic life like in the movies.

Travel overseas, preferably with a bicycle.

Continue to be oddly happy even though I'm a fatalist and a nihilist, and have an extremely bleak outlook on the way the world works. Make fun of the shit of society.

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