Tuesday, January 22, 2008

happiness is a warm gun

Holy moly. This morning we went from this...

...to this. In a matter of about half an hour.

All I can say is hell yeah. It's not even all that cold out, but all this snow gives me a seriously excellent opportunity to play with my studded tires. That guy on the bike down there definitely had em. He was just cruisin, balaclava, fenders, lobster gloves and all.

I didn't go back to sleep. It was pretty much impossible. Instead, I had a repeat of my last bout of insomnia, and went out for a lovely walk. Ate some donuts, too. Then I came back, cleaned up the kitchen, and baked cornbread.

Actually, last time I woke up really early for no reason, it was a Tuesday, and I got hit by a stupid car. Maybe that means something really good will happen today...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the snow is why pittsburgh is so much fun to live in :)

i think it makes coffee and fresh baked things taste *so* much better!