Tuesday, March 13, 2007

So, I haven't written much lately, but it's because I've been running around the city on a bicycle I bought. I'll take a picture later, but it's an old Concord Pacer roadbike.

It's amazing the level of convenience this has brought to my life. I left my girlfriend's house this morning at 10:30 to go into Oakland, where my bike was chained up, and get some coffee. Then, I went all the way through South Oakland and across the Hot Metal Bridge into the Southside--I've always wanted to fucking go over the bridges on a bicycle. Pittsburgh is a beautiful city.

Now, I'm at my old hangout, the Beehive Coffeehouse on Carson and 13th, and it's not even one. This is just too fucking cool. Once I get back into really good shape for cycling, I'll be able to go anywhere. The other night I went to Squirrel Hill, which is, well, a bike trip up a giant hill, but going home later was a serious fucking rush. 35mph on a bicycle with traffic feels fast. And don't worry, I've got a helmet. And even a little light, and a pump.

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