Friday, June 09, 2006

worst. day. ever. kthx.

Ever have one of those days that starts out with you splitting your thumbnail down the center with a boning knife? I did not think so.

Shortly after the aforementioned trauma this morning, which didn't so much bother me at the moment as it made me unhappy about having to go to work Sunday with more injuries than I already have, I walked out of class and discovered that I'd left my wallet on a 500 to Bellevue. As of yet the Port Authority hasn't found it, and I've little optimism for such a miracle.

While I was busy getting a new student ID, freezing my debit card, getting cash to pay bus fare home, etc, I was called by my new renter telling me that the apartment I was renting is now unavailable--turns out it wasn't vacant, but rather mysteriously uninhabited by a soldier on a tour of duty in Iraq. It's cool, because I'll be renting a place with the same floorplan in the same building. But now I've got to move in July 1st rather than August, which puts a little pressure on my financial situation. My roommate that I'm living with now happens to be awesome, and I agreed to pay the rent for the month of July when I'm able to because I originally intended to stay until August. I've just got to figure out how to get my stuff to Shadyside, and how to pay a 600 dollar security deposit and a 300 dollar loan payment fairly soon. It'll all work out, as things like this usually do, but I won't be roasting any pork loins or buying any new olive oil anytime soon. I did, however, buy a new plant today (Marglobe tomato) to cheer myself up. It was a buck fifty.

Otherwise, I've made a goal to get a bike and my PA motorcycle license within a year. I've always had notions of trekking across the U.S. with only what I can fit in my saddlebags, so I figure I'm going to go ahead and do that--now's as good a time as any, when I'm young (I don't want to be a middle-aged familyman that buys a Harley during his mid-life crisis and rides it around the suburbs). Once I'm established in my new place I'll be saving some money, so I'm looking at used mid-80s and early 90s Honda cruisers right now like the one shown above.

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