Tuesday, June 27, 2006

basil's blooming

Holy great week, batman. Having free time in the morning is an enlightening experience. Yesterday I woke up at 10:30, went out and got a paper, and sat down in Starbucks with coffee and a scone. Today, I made buttermilk pancakes with blueberries and walnuts for my roommate and I. Who knows what I'll do tomorrow? And Thursday and Friday I've got off so I can move into my new apartment. Once I have a copy of my lease and maybe my cooking gas bill, I'll have proof of PA residence. All I need after that is a social security card, a copy of my birth certificate, and a doctor to fill out the back of my learner's permit and I can get my license as soon as I'm ready. My roommate's beautiful and let me drive her car yesterday, and said she'd teach me how to do stuff with it.

Being a college graduate rocks. Now all I need is a vacation--I'm looking at September to take some time off and see my freakin' family, since, you know, I haven't for seven months. Forty-thousand dollars doesn't buy buttermilk pancakes as good as my mom's, and "Chef Breslin's Chili" doesn't really compare to the venison crock-pot creation of my dad's.

~no, it wouldn't.
Everything would be so dull.

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