Sunday, January 25, 2004

If there is one genre of music I listen to anymore, it's techno. That hot reso, the reverb and chorus, the crescendo of different tones and the delightfully electronic synthesized melodies and voices put into that adrenaline-pumping tempo of 140 beats per minute--it's rhythmic euphoria, a veritable paradise of stimulation to a sensual sybarite like myself. The sexy, mellow bass harmonies vibrate and permeate my very thoughts, bringing me into such a primal ecstasy as words cannot describe. Driving through the thunderstorm with Larkin completes the effect. The stoplights cast spires of light onto the rippling asphalt, and I don't mind the window open--the cold mist and the intangible electricity, the raw, thunderous power in the air excites me. I love the rain.

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