Thursday, October 09, 2003

So, I just got done bitching at this guy on KleinForums. Am I hopeless, or what?

Then again, shouldn't it be expected of me to turn into an absolutely searing son of a bitch when someone denounces that which I love (namely Larkin)? And I do, too. I mean, talk to me when walking from History to Physics, two shitty classes in which I socially interact about as much as a blind and deaf Zen monk, and I'll be the most tender, loving guy you'll ever meet. Real self-conscious and embarrassed about little minor things, like tripping on something or dropping a book. I will be as docile as a damn kitten.

But take me at any moment, and tell me that Larkin's writing is an awkward combination of huge and useless archaic words, and I will instill the fear of God into you, no matter WHAT your mother fucking religionists have to say about it. I will do everything in my power to humiliate you in the most vulgar and crude way, while maintaining a constant witty and sarcastic demeanor that is SO caustic, it will, in the case of the KleinForums ass, dissolve your RETINAS and sear the eyelashes off your worthless, white trash face when you read it- and in person, I'm not going to beat you up (though don't fuck with me anyway, especially after denoting my love), but I will do far more than type a paragraph in your general direction - oh, be assured, my rage will lose none of its potency in the transition from the digital to the more humiliating physical reality. I wish to show no mercy whatsoever to the utterly tactless asshats of this world.

Heh. And said asshats will weep when they announce who the homecoming queen is.

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