Monday, February 10, 2003

Ouch. Damnable Mondays indeed. When I write anything, I try to use the best choice of words possible, and there is no better when I say this: I hurt. I dunno if I just slept wrong or what, but my back and my collarbone and my neck hurts, and I'm just really tired in general. And I think I'm getting sick again. I hope I didn't catch the plague or some shit from Rob. Anyway, an overview.

In English today, we listened to the very last of Julius Caesar, much to the class's relief. You know, I like Shakesperian literature, I like his poetry and use of language, but The Tragedy of Julius Caesar's plot was nothing short of the work of a genuine fuqtard. It's all going fine, they're plotting to kill Caesar, they do it, and of course, Antony gets PMS and turns Rome against the conspirators. They all fight, but in the end, everyone just commits suicide. Or has someone else do it for you. Could the sorrow of losing a battle drive someone to the edge? I think not. Just a little bit overdramatic.

P.E. is really just sucking. I don't mind being a sophomore, but the fact that I've got to get this half a credit is stupid. If I was in really terrible shape or something, I wouldn't mind it as much, but I'm not. I'm the only one who actually runs all the laps without cheating in there, and the only one who does all 50 situps. Is it really that hard? I think they should make the fat people take P.E.

In programming, I think we were supposed to be doing something, but I was trying to catch up on my sleep, which I lost so much of at Rob's house. In any case, I'm sure I'll figure it out in time for us to actually do any work with it.

Took a review test in chemistry, and made a 30 on it. It's definitely a good thing it doesn't count unless you want it to, or else I would fail. And that would be bad. Halley plans to take over the world by collecting the hairs that fall onto the back of your shirt, and using them to clone you. She'll take over the world by commanding exact replacements of us all. So keep the hairs off your back, or else.

I usually like choir, even with having to sit on the edge of the bass section, and next to Palisin on top of that. But today, it just wasn't there. I hate singing when I'm sick, makes me sound quite fugly. I dunno, I'm just tired, so everything sucks.

I am, however, passing geometry now. With a 72. Once I noticed I was failing, I didn't stop slacking off, I just slacked off a little less. Now that I actually get my tests signed and copy the answers to the homework off the overhead before she checks it, I'm doing pretty good.

Forgot to tell about Friday. Was so much fun going and spending time with Jenn again! She's just such a great friend to have, if nothing else. Yes, I miss going out with her, and wish she still liked me, but I'm being too sentimental and silly, as usual. I don't know why I can't get over it; after she broke up with me, I thought I had been handling it pretty well. She says she's still confused over whether or not she wants to be single... It's complicated. If she still likes me, it's cool, if not, I'll live. Enough said.

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