Monday, November 12, 2007

guess who's at a coffeehouse on his day off again

Yeah, this is really all I do. I relax, drink coffee and whore myself out to social networking websites.

Not really. I have several interests! I realized this recently, that now when people ask me what I'm into, I can actually respond by saying I'm chiefly interested in bicycles, food, music, coffee, beer, and women. Hooray!

Today I ate herring and trout, in preserved salted form. I'm currently reading a book about the history of salt and it's made me respect salted meat and fish a little more. Plus, I ate a lot of sardines on crackers when I was a kid.

I also got some nice Stilton and a raw milk French cheese at Whole Foods. Living right next to that store is going to do terrible things to my food budget. And I don't really mind.

I navigated a much quicker way home from Diane's place today, also. I was afraid of riding Shady Avenue for awhile due to the construction (I broke the shit out of a wheel awhile back because the road was so horrible). It's a really wonderful downhill ride. I'm finally beginning to appreciate cycling as a way to get around and see the city just as much as a way to be showoffish. Sometimes it helps to downshift and just look up at the leaves while you're gliding downhill.

I'm totally going to cook some steaks tonight. And drink some fermented tea. Have I mentioned my affinity for kombucha? It's an ancient Chinese tea that's fermented with a specific bacterial culture. It's sort of a crunchy hippie drink, supposedly the perfect thing for ridding your body of "toxins" and improving liver function, new-age bullshit like that, but it's really just kind of delicious. Admittedly, I do feel good when I drink it--there is something to consuming living food. I feel very alert and clear-headed at work, and my friend and I have concluded that it greatly lowers alcohol tolerance; maybe it really does clean out your body a little, leaving it vulnerable for drunkenness. In any case, it's a wonderful beverage and you should try it.

1 comment:

Sterling Morris said...

as for your chief interests, I can agree on all of them except for beer I think. For some reason I've never been crazy about it, but I love a good red wine. I think that may be my favorite drink. I like the IDEA of being interested in bicycles, except I can't NOT hate my bike, other than it's current state of being somewhat operational. I'd like to have a nice bike, but that's not in my budget right now. It's awesome being able to get around so swiftly using power generated by your legs. I love that feeling.

Also, I am greatly interested in that tea. I've become some sort of "beverage" addict if that makes any sense.