Thursday, September 06, 2007

Allright, here we go!

Work, today, tomorrow, and the next day. This morning, I have to ride up to Morningside to sign a lease. I get the keys now, but Sunday I need to move. Somewhere between now and then I need to pack all my material possessions.

The place is amazing though. It's a huge one bedroom apartment with a nice big kitchen and a gas stove, right on Highland across from Casbah. It's a nice area, and I won't be paying a fortune for it. In fact, this is the first time I've ever been able to put down a deposit and first month's rent without completely going broke for two weeks. It's nice, you know?

I met a girl the other week. She's really pretty and nice, and her name is Opal. And the relationship we're in is sort of new, and extremely different, and you guys may give me shit about it, but I honestly don't care. She's a polyamorous, bisexual, 29 year-old mother of two. She's married, and her husband is awesome--we all dorked out and played D&D together all day on Monday. On Sunday, we all went to the zoo. Halfway through, when Noah and his friend Josh left, I found myself walking around the zoo with a girl and two kids, being taken for a father. I held Daedalus, her son, up higher so he could see the polar bears. Can you imagine me even remotely being good with kids? Or enjoying it?

The point is, we're crazy about each other and I really like being around her family. Despite the hectic schedule right now, I'm at a very good place in my life.


Sterling Morris said...

WOOOOOOO! Spikey haired kid. Man, you look like an anime character the way your hair has grown out a bit.

And yes, your apparent affinity for children I'll admit caught me off gaurd. Glad you're feeling better.

Shawn and I had some Merlot tonight that was really pretty darn good.

Kathy and I tried a French Chardonnay for her birthday last week (she hated it, "This is TERRIBLE!"), but she decided she likes the fruity drinks. I wasn't too fond of the chardonnay either, but we had no idea what the hell we were getting. My stomach had also randomly been aching for a majority of that afternoon/evening, which probably didn't help.

Anonymous said...

i vote that you call me soonish.

by soonish, it means I dislike going to the movie theatre alone and want to see "Across the Universe" this weekend.