Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Sorry about no updates. I have not fallen into the Ohio, I have merely been busy. I've had some pretty hectic and some pretty slow days at work recently--that's how the industry is--like last Saturday, when I closed the place at 12:49, and yesterday, when we must've sold less than 40 dollars in food. Even on the busy days it's not so bad, and I'm makin' bucks--I've gotten one small paycheck already for my first week or so.

New classes are pretty sweet. Made chicken noodle soup, rice pilaf, sauteed chicken breast, and veloute sauce so far. Today I filleted a flatfish. Purchasing is taught by a man very possibly an ex-Nazi, but one who knows his stuff nonetheless. Wines and spirits is taught by a Brit who drinks a lot of wines and spirits.

Everything's going great. I've even got plenty of food in the fridge... eggs, chicken, parmesan/chedder/stilton cheese, various produce items, grapes, etc.

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