Tuesday, February 26, 2008


My legs are pretty much numb right now. Gunning it on Liberty Ave. plus all the other riding I did yesterday has taken its toll. As nice as it is to chill out on the roads, sometimes it's more fun to just fuckin' fly.

Speaking of riding, I ordered a Brooks. It should be here Friday, and it's pretty much going to pimp my ride. Also, my butt will feel better after long trips.

And also on the subject, I'm planning to begin buying old steel frames, restoring and converting them, and selling them. My toolbox is pretty complete now when it comes to bike maintenance; with the exception of being able to (easily) install and remove headset cups and crown races I can essentially remove any part of a bicycle, clean it up and repack it with grease and reinstall it. I did the Schwinn's bottom bracket the other day, which I'm pretty sure hasn't been serviced in its 30-year lifespan. Gross.

Holy crap, I need another day off. I am just not yet fully regenerated. At least next Sunday and Monday are all mine...

1 comment:

Karen said...

I think you should give everyone the link to the Pittsburgh Trib. Article!! The liver pate was excellent... !
Congrats! - Mom